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Timberwolves Athletics

EMHS is one of the few charter high schools in the state of New Mexico that offers students the opportunity to participate in New Mexico Activities Association (NMAA) sanctioned varsity athletics. EMHS competes at the AAA level and fields teams for both girls and boys in the following sports and activities:

  • ​Baseball

  • Basketball

  • Cross Country

  • ​Golf

  • Soccer

  • Softball

  • Track & Field

  • Volleyball

In addition, if a student wishes to compete in a sport not offered at EMHS, such as wrestling, swimming, or football, state law allows for that student to compete at his or her district school

EMHS is working diligently to bring all of our programs to be competitive on the New Mexico Athletics Association Division AAA level, while continuing to emphasize that academics come first. All students must be enrolled in and passing (70% or higher) a minimum of 3 classes each grading period a term and have cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. Being an athlete at EMHS is a privilege and students must get their schoolwork done before being an athlete.


Before joining a sport (tryouts, practice, or games), all students must be academically eligible, have a doctor’s physical on file, turn in completed version of all required paperwork, and pay their athletic fee. If you have questions, please email

To keep up on schedules and scores, follow us at our Max Preps Website.

How to Participate

What do you need to be ready to compete in athletics at EMHS?


Complete the sports physical and waiver form. Forms are available at the EMHS office or can be downloaded and printed from the links below and are to be handed in to your coach before you can practice.


  • Have a physical done by a doctor.

  • Fill out and sign the physical/waiver form.

  • Sign off on the substance abuse policy form and code of conduct.

  • Complete the emergency contact form.


Be academically eligible! This means that you passed 3 classes (C or better) and had a GPA of 2.0 or higher last grading period. If you are a transfer student (not an incoming freshmen), please talk to the Principal as soon as possible so that you can gain your eligibility through the NMAA. There may be a 90 – 180 school day waiting period for transfer students.


Be a current full time student at EMHS. This means being enrolled and passing 3 or more classes (being a teacher’s aide does not count as a class). Dual credit classes through CNM do count; please visit the Student Guidance Center for more information.


Pay the athletic fee. This fee needs to be paid before participation in the first game and can be submitted to the Front Office.




Read the EMHS athletics handbook and fill out the emergency contact sheet, code of conduct and substance abuse policy before the first game.


Show up to the mandatory pre-season meetings and practice with a smile on your face!


All student-athletes are required to complete the NFHS (National Federation of High School Sports) Learn Concussion for Students Course before participating in a contest. Information for that course can be found at these links –


NMAA Information on Senate Bill 38 –


NFHS Learn Concussion for Students Course –


Student-athletes should print the certificate of completion and turn it into their coach before the first contest.

Forms and Resources

Fall Sports

Girls Soccer

Head Coach: TBD
Cell: TBD


Click here for Schedule and Scores on MaxPreps.


Boys Soccer

Coach: Colton Oord


Cell: 505-999-8827

Click here for Schedule and Scores on MaxPreps Website.


Girls Volleyball

Coach: Kasi Giovenco
Cell: (301) 471-9904
Click here for Schedule and Scores on MaxPreps Website.


Girls & Boys Golf

Coach:  Josh Luna

Phone: 719- 368-9527



Girls & Boys Cross Country

Joe Komensky

Phone: 505-615-1851


Winter Sports

Boys Basketball

Head Coach: Brad Hofmann
Phone: 530-409-4486

Click here for Schedule and Scores on MaxPreps Website.


Girls Basketball

Head Coach: Jeanne Woodfin
Phone: (928) 247-2085

Click here for Schedule and Scores on MaxPreps Website.



Head Coach: Clayton Severs
Phone: 505-977-8337


Spring Sports


Coach: Ryan Santillanes
Phone: 505-401-6863



Coaches: Dawn Saunders
Phone: 505-507-0909


Track and Field

Head Coach: Aaron Caton

Phone: 505-379-6173



Golf Team

Coach:  Josh Luna

Phone: 719- 368-9527


Click here for Schedule and Scores on MaxPreps Website


Boys' Volleyball

Coach:  Rikki Garma

Phone: 808-639-8370


Facilities & Fitness Center


EMHS is fortunate to be located adjacent to Vista Grande Community Center, a Bernalillo County Parks & Recreation facility. Due to a joint use agreement with the county, EMHS has used the existing soccer field and softball and baseball fields for practice and home games since we opened in 2000.


In September 2008, EMHS and Bernalillo County celebrated the completion of the Fisher and Smith Memorial Gymnasium. This $5 million addition to the existing Vista Grande Community Center is a groundbreaking collaboration between the school and the county. Working under a joint-use agreement, the school and the community center share the use of the gym, ensuring that students have access for physical education and athletics and the community has access for recreation and physical fitness. We believe this is the only such partnership in the state of New Mexico.


The Fisher and Smith Memorial Gymnasium is a reality due in large part of the vision of State Senator Sue Wilson Beffort, who helped the County and EMHS secure the funding needed to build the gym. Many other local legislators and Bernalillo County officials also contributed to the effort.


Phase 2 added a fitness center, an aerobics / martial arts room and more storage space to the existing facility. Phase 2 was completed and opened to the public in the fall of 2011.

Fitness Center

Construction of a new fitness center at Vista Grande Community Center was completed in the fall of 2011 and the facility is now open to the public. Use of the 5,100 square-foot addition will be shared with East Mountain High School through a joint use agreement.


The fitness center includes brand-new, state-of-the-art fitness equipment, including treadmills, stationary bikes and weightlifting machines. There is also a multi-purpose room that will host classes in aerobics, yoga, zumba, karate, jazzercise and gymnastics.

Funding for the fitness center was secured with the help of legislators, including Senator Sue Wilson Beffort, and Bernalillo County. The entire of cost of the project was just over one million dollars and includes the fitness equipment. East Mountain High School is proud to be pointing the way to a solution for charter school facilities and demonstrating how we can better use of public monies to serve the wider community.


For East Mountain High School, the addition of a fitness center means that physical education classes can provide students with more options for lifelong fitness. For athletes, there are now more options for cross-training and strength conditioning. The school will also use the space to offer martial arts programs.


For the community, the fitness center offers an extremely affordable way to get in shape or stay in shape. Adults will be charged $25.00 for a punchcard good for 20 visits. Fees for classes will be paid directly to the instructor and won’t count again the punchcard total. For veterans and individuals over 55, use of the fitness center is free.


EMHS encourages parents and community members to take advantage of this resource – the paperwork to sign-up is available on this page. Hours of operation for the fitness center are Monday through Friday, 8am to 8pm. On Tuesdays the fitness center will open at 6am. On Saturdays the fitness center will be open on Saturdays from 10am to 6pm and on Sundays from 8am to noon. For more information, please call 468-7500 or visit


East Mountain High School

25 La Madera Rd, Sandia Park,

NM 87047


Phone: (505) 281-7400

Fax: (505) 281 4173


Directions To Campus








Governing Council


East Mountain High School

Click here for the Sunshine Portal.

© East Mountain High School

We strive to make our website accessible to all individuals. If you need assistance accessing any material herein,
please call us at (505) 281-7400.

East Mountain High School complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. East Mountain High School does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Principal Trey Smith is the Title IX coordinator for East Mountain High School.

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