East Mountain High School believes that students are successful when parents and the community are involved in the life of the school. For this reason, parents are asked to volunteer sixty (60) hours per year, to benefit EMHS. This requirement is per family, not per child, and hours can be carried over from year to year.
Some parents choose to meet the volunteer requirement by donating money or supplies to EMHS. Donations of money or supplies can be converted to hours at the rate of $10 per hour. By giving of their time, talents or treasure, parents are helping EMHS be the school their children need to succeed.
Almost anything can count as parent volunteer hours, including attending school events, attending athletic games, chaperoning field trips, carpooling, helping the EMHS Foundation, attending PACK meetings. The only things that don’t count are driving your own child to school and helping other community organizations instead of EMHS.
For more information about volunteering at EMHS and to find out how to get involved, email anee@eastmountainhigh.net
Volunteer Background Check
In some volunteer roles, parents may need a completed background check. Please complete the packet of forms (available to download below). To learn more, please contact Gwen Brown at 505-281-7400 x. 114 or gbrown@eastmountainhigh.net
Frequently Asked Questions
What is required of parents/guardians?East Mountain High School asks all families who choose to enroll their child or children at EMHS to volunteer a total of 60 hours per year. The requirement is per family, not per child.
What counts as "volunteer hours"?Anything that you do in support of East Mountain High School counts towards your volunteer requirement. Parents have recorded volunteer hours for activities such as driving a carpool, chaperoning a field trip, attending a Senior Exhibition presentation, attending PACK or Governing Council meetings, helping with mailings or in the Front Office, assisting with fundraisers or events or attending any school athletic events or concerts.
How do I log my volunteer hours?You can log your parent volunteer hours online. Simply click the link below and submit your hours. All families will receive a letter at the end of the school year thanking them for their donations and volunteer hours and alerting them if they did not achieve their goal of reaching 60 hours. Volunteer hours can be carried over from year to year. https://www.helpcounterweb.com/ci/volunteer
What are some alternative volunteer opportunities?East Mountain High School understands that volunteering during the school day may not be convenient for all families. There are many evening and weekend opportunities to volunteer or even ways you can volunteer from home! Also, some families choose to meet the volunteer requirement by making a cash donation or a donation of supplies, equipment or services to the school. For example, if you work for a landscaping company, you could help us get donated landscaping services. If you choose to make a cash donation in lieu of volunteer hours, the value of your donation is computed $10.00 per hour.
Do these count as "volunteer hours" ?Driving only your own child to school doesn’t count towards the volunteer requirement. Also, volunteering you may do for other worthy organizations (Boys Scouts, Humane Society, fire department, etc.) does not count towards your requirement to benefit East Mountain High School.
Do extra hours roll over to the next year?Yes, any parent volunteer hours accrued in a school year over and above the 60 hour requirement will carry over to the next school year.
How can I begin volunteering at EMHS?Please complete the Parent Involvement Questionnaire. This will give you a better idea of the kinds of volunteer opportunities available at East Mountain High School and will give the school a list of individuals available for different kinds of volunteering. Also, volunteer opportunities are posted in the weekly EMHS newsletter. Please contact Adelynn Nee, Development Director, with questions about volunteering. She can be reached at 281-7400 x. 168 or anee@eastmountainhigh.net.